any soviet or russian military firearm that infects this world-

much hated by Americans.

the semi shaped 2x4 comes from the stock while the commie steel comes from the barreled action.
the communist picked up his semi-shaped 2x4 and commie steel and died when it blew up in his face
by just a good ol' boy May 4, 2011
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Commision (art commision) - most used on Deviantart, commision is a paid art, it costs real money. Also there are comms which are paid arts too, but cost Deviantart points.
A: Wow! I like your art! How about a commision?
B: Sure!
A: How much is it?
B: It is (for example) 50$
A: Ow, thanks! How can I pay?
B: You can pay by (for example) PayPal.
by Kitus February 21, 2016
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One of Melbourne's (and arguably Australia's) strongest Hiphop group. Delivering dark, vicious rhymes over solid tracks. Members include Trem, Brad Strut and Bob Balans, with cuts supplied by DJ J-red.
.The Stage is Set
.Murderous Metaphors
"As the beat drums i speak tongues, you cant comprehend since '91 heads in the know sayign WHATS FOR TREM.
Its on again as years passed, the stage was set, LC blazed each place, we grazed from A to Z, craters left from raps spawned and platforms, check the map flatten whole cities with just our wack slaunch, BACK TO STAUNCH.Youve seen uh-s my team crushed more mics than any clean cut rappers can dream up." - Trem, Hells Basement on Lyrical Commision's Murderous Metaphors.
by MagnoliaFan October 8, 2005
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when something is not working, or out of service
"hey dude, is your computer fixed yet?"
"no, it's still out of commision."
by Jup!73r February 13, 2021
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Mallory: Josie loves her Claws!
Eric: She's just drinking Commie Piss.
by KaiserMtek October 3, 2021
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Side parting half-long hair style, resembling to East-European fashion trends in the 1970s and 1980s. Cut on purpose of retro ambitions or by inability of the barber in charge.
"What happened to your hair?! It looks so weird!" - "Why weird? Yesterday I went to the barber and asked for something different - and he cut this funky commie cut."
by toko March 17, 2008
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Speaking communist ants that can speak and the most not dirty creature in the world....if he speak need to watch out..
Someone:hey,private talk later?
Someone#2:shut up or Danny the commies ants give you DIRTY AMERICANS
by Anonymous 141 July 12, 2021
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