When you realize that you did not wipe so great last time you used the bathroom and you have itchy ass syndrome. And since you are at work you give it a courtesy wipe to relieve some of the damage until you can take a shower.
Hey man why are you walking funny?

Oh yeah sorry, my ass is a little itchy. I’ll be right back I’m gunna do the old 3$ car wash.

This is why she left you bro
by Lil dewdrop June 11, 2023
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When your car gets sprayed from snow from another vehicle not properly cleaned
I was driving down the interstate when I got a Minnesota Car Wash.
by Supwititdoe February 3, 2022
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1. The act of putting your face in between the breast of two large breasted women as they hug, wiggle, and shimmy!
2. The act of having four boobies slapping against your face like the brushes spinning in a car wash!
1) As Lora and Sarah began hugging, Joe inserted his head in between the twos large breast woman for a car washing!
2) When Jim Bob wanted to go motor boat during the threesome, he decided that four boobs are better than one, so he went car washing!
by Tuna3000 April 13, 2020
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This is when you get a group of people and just go destroy a bar you don’t like. Maybe the bartender was rude. It doesn’t matter. You can walk on your check or upper deck the ladies room. The important part is to be as annoying as possible to piss off the place that wronged you and you do it as a team.
Yo graham! Let’s car wash Ivan’s bar tomorrow. His shit is becoming tiresome. I’ll tell you what. I’ll upper deck the women’s room and you ask for the check and we both walk out after he prints it. That bitch.
by Larry and Rex and Benny October 2, 2018
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Getting your penis sucked without movement or “Soaking with the mouth
I’m feeling squeaky clean I got the best car wash last night
by Whale of a wash October 16, 2022
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When your loved one gives you a wet, sloppy zerbert and then blows it dry with a steady stream of breath.
Jeff gave me a car wash this morning as he was walking out the door.
by MoxieB May 3, 2009
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When you see a chick with big tits.
She’s got big tits
Guy 1: That chick has huge tits
Guy 2: Nah Thats a A WHOLE DAMN CAR WASH
by VDog97 May 6, 2019
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