Joseph Wheeler High School is a high school in Marietta, GA. It is located directly across the street from East Cobb Middle School, its biggest feeder school. It is home to the science and technology magnet program, and its current principle is Mr. Chirprany.
I graduated from the magnet program in Joseph Wheeler High School.
by RoyGBivTheFourth April 3, 2011
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A magnet high school in Bridgeport, CT, infamous for a strict dress code including lab coats. Often abbreviated to FCW, students will enroll to the school expecting to leave with scientific knowledge, only to find themselves suffering with long security (and lunch) lines, bad teachers, and strict management.
"Did you hear Johnny got into the Fairchild Wheeler Interdistrict Multi-magnet Campus thing? I hear he's suffering from depression since school started."
by FreddoMcEggo August 20, 2018
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A person who jerks of to gay porn and licks used condoms

Typically drinks cum and smells like anal
Dad: Nikolas Wheeler, stop licking my condoms

Nikolas Wheeler: Please, dad I'm horny
by Dicklover569 October 19, 2017
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The name I’ve unknowingly waited for my entire life.
Them: “If you could take any last name in the world, who would you take it from?”

Me: “Easy, either Wheeler will do.”

Haley Alise Wheeler is the only name I can see etched on my grave.

“That girl just pulled a Haley Wheeler”
by Haleymotherfuckingalise November 24, 2021
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