Slang term for paedophile due to fact that pirates had a reputation for molesting the ships cabin boy.
His has a fondness for children, we should cal him Captain Jack Sparrow.
by Cogi December 17, 2021
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A school located in Edgemere, Maryland. It celebrated its centennial for the class of 2009. Most of the students believe themselves to be "preppy rednecks" just because they go hunting a lot and wear hollister all the time. Other students act gangsta by smoking a large amount of pot and getting themselves impregnated. A small percentage of the schools population are emo/scene kids that are the only cool people in the school.
"Did you hear that Sparrows Point High School just celebrated their centennial?"
by c0ckyb@st3rd May 17, 2009
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500 pounds of radar seeking justice.
The f16 then fired its aim 7 sparrow, the mig didn't know what hit him.
by gummywormz November 23, 2008
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When something is stolen from you, but you don't realize it until a little while later.

Derived from the term "jacked" (meaning stolen) and Jack Sparrow, the sneaky dude from the Pirates movies.
"Aw man, you just got Sparrow Jacked! Did you even know that Steve stole your underwear?"
by Muffins + Nik Furious February 19, 2009
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1. a small bird with a tendency to view life in terms of one's own needs and desires.
2. a narrow minded, excessively rigid and emotionally detached human being, with bird like feet.
3. term used in frustration on a dim witted friend.
"Get out of the way of the tele you Autistic Sparrow"
by TheRealCatWilly May 9, 2019
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