a monster that attacks mexico but isn't godzilla because he's in japan that attacks pyramids made out of tacos because he hates mayan architecture
"that godzilla-like-monster-that-eats-pyramids-made-out-of-tacos is attacking that pyramid made out of tacos
by BobHopeLives May 2, 2009
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It is when you get your dick sucked and your ass ate (or your pussy ate and as ate dealers choice) at the same time.
Bro, I was the top of the Mayan pyramid last night it was awesome.
by coolesthentai July 8, 2023
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When three guys hold hands above their heads to form a triangle and the girl is in the middle fucking one dude and stroking and sucking the other two dudes. See also Eiffel Tower
Bro I Pyramid of Giza’d Emma last night at the party with John and Robert.
by TB0ne October 3, 2020
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Here's a theory for you: The Great Pyramids. What if they didn't build them up? What if they dug them down?
Iam "Like, if there were these larger limestone landforms in the desert (not plateaus but the other things) and they just chiseled their way down. Carved out blocks and polished it on the way down. Dug out the tombs. That would answer the question "how did they move those giant blocks!?" They didn't. They chiseled it out like a statue. Used a giant metal wire to saw them into blocks. More plausible than aliens. And you could ask 'well, why don't we see these other giant limestone land masses?' I don't know. Do limestone landmasses crumble over time? Buy yeah, there you go. There's my 'how the great pyramids were made theory'." 🤷 ♂️
by Hym Iam January 6, 2023
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Pyramid of Power is like Eiffel Tower (When a woman is on her knees performing sweet fellatio to a man standing, and another man is railing her from behind, thus the two men join hands above the woman to form what looks the Eiffel Tower.), but with Lane Kiffin and Matt Barkley. Plus you and someone u like.
"did you see Lane Kiffin and Matt Barkley talking on the sideline? I wish we are doing the Pyramid of Power with them"
by theduo88 September 10, 2012
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Three, Twenty, thirty-five, doesn't matter. With the Egyptian Sex Pyramid, you can have the greatest triangle orgy of all times.
by FAYGO_IZ_LIFE January 31, 2019
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