Really a remarkable wife, mom and nana. Loves her husband, boys and granddaughter more than anything.
I wish I was a Kristine Hunt.
by ksunflower66 December 20, 2016
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the most amazing person you will ever meet. a loyal girlfriend, she is there whenever you need her. loves being carefree and caring for others.
that girl is that girl is Kristin Tabor
by lalaland573753374374 May 28, 2011
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Short asian with a thicc mom
Friend: dammmm son ur mom dummy thiccc

Kristine vo: that's my brother
by Adam.m :) January 29, 2020
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Kristin lawhead is a very beautiful intelligent woman she doesn't know her power with men she can crush souls
That girl will Kristin lawhead you if you don't keep your guard up.
by Nacixem taf November 3, 2021
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Kristine Pihl is a very rare Norwegian troll. It lives in caves and eats obesse cats. Do not look direktly at a Kristine Pihl, it might cause your eyes to burst into flames. The only way to escape the meeting with a Kristine Pihl is to start sining a Brittney Spears song.
- Look is that a Kristine Pihl?!

- Oh dear Lord! Do not look at it! "Oops I did it again..."
by LinniMeister October 15, 2012
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A crazy-ass bitch that doesn't appreciate love, family, children or pets.
That Ex-Kristin left her husband after 12yrs. That man gave her everything. They were married in Hawaii! She told him she was leaving 3 days before their babies 1st birthday. Now she's out doing some loser that she works with. WTH?
by WebNinja February 8, 2011
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Maren Kristine is a verb beautiful gurl! She is sy sometimes and have a funk load of babyhairs!!! Bushen is verb loving and carring, and way to kind!
by jeg liker fisk January 31, 2018
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