A number used to communicate with other computers. Commonly associated with personal info by people brainwashed by VPN companies.
I used a VPN to change my IP Address.
by thelegendarytaranashcan June 3, 2023
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a nitty ket addicted rapist. she steals peoples boyfriends and takes peoples left over friends when she has no one else. got raped by someone just to rape him back and they are still best friends (it cancelled out)

is now fucking a guy while she has a boyfriend (not uncommon for her)

you would use the term “ruby sky ip” to describe someone who is nitty, disgusting or does things a homeless person does.
“ lets go snort coke on the back of the bus!”
“thats really a ruby sky ip thing to do man be better”
by bos_hoes69 November 1, 2022
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quite simply to be fucked up the ass :’)
“so did he deeped you ip the wee?”
“god my man deeped me ip the wee so hard last night”
“i didn’t study for this test…i’m so deeped ip the wee.”
by marindi September 5, 2023
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A common insult said by folks who just got beat in a video game
Person 1: Griefs cargo in GTA

Person 2: - Nice IP!
by Jack Spank9049 February 28, 2023
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an insult every single discord member uses to scare their opponent or just trying to "get silly"
by wulfyidk April 20, 2023
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Hym "Wow, I'm glad I don't live in China or else they would be robbing IP from me and not paying me. That would suck! Oh wait! That's already happening to me... And it's the people who are ALSO DOING THE ECONOMIC COERCION! Wow! It seems like we know how CONSERVATIVES will rule if we give them any power huh? I guess we need to do whatever it take to keep them out of power, huh guys? Because they are doing the things that the corrupt government is doing. RIght? Even they agree that the things they are doing a wrong! Yet here they are! Doing them anyway! Especially Jordan Peterson! He stole a whole-ass speech! And called it the greatest thing he's ever done!"
by Hym Iam August 14, 2023
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Banned from ip address
Affects other players or users as well
Can be immuned by VPN for a little bit while because it's just an ip , and VPN is either an ip editor or network booster
And then gets ip banned again
And fuck off don't ask
Bitch_S player:random words like the whole qwerty and toxic things when mod is in the game, while he's actually a n00b in the game
Mod :stop or ur banned

Bitch_S player:no I have bunch of alt acc
Mod:ok then ur ip banned fucker

*Bitch_S player is ip banned*
Bitch_S player:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (raging)

Back to real life bruh
xXnoobPWN erXx:shut the fuck up I'm also banned because of u
Bitch_S player:I'M GONNA BRING U TO HAELL(hell) TO MEH
*xXnoobPWNerXx dodges and he missed*
xXnoobPWNerXx : what am I gonna do I don't have money for vpn
At least I'm not ded, prob by ring of protagonist
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