When you take a shit onto a handkerchief and roll it into a blunt and smoke it
Hey man I was so high yesterday I ended up making a Hanky in a hanky!”

“Damn that’s crazy
by The_Green_Needle August 23, 2023
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When you spank someone so hard they immediately ejaculate all over the ceiling or floor (depending on which way they’re bent over).
Example 1: I spent all day cleaning my ceiling after I hanky spanked Vanessa and Leroy last night. It straight up smelled like salty fish and swamp water.

Example 2: Kimberly enjoyed being hanky spanned so much, their ceiling starting growing black mold from the excessive moisture.

Example 3: “Dude how did you break your wrist?”
“I hanky spanked Kyle on the kitchen floor last night and slipped on his cum making a sandwich at 2am.”
by doctordual639 June 23, 2021
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To plug one nostril close mouth and blow out the other, see "snot rocket"
So I'm waiting for the bus and the guy next to used his Brooklyn hanky way to close to me.
by D3ADBOY-MURD3R July 17, 2020
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one who engages in hanky-panky.
A bas hanky-panksters!
by uttam maharjan November 6, 2012
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when I went to Taco Bell, the restroom had lots of hanky danky.
by Now That is Hanky Danky November 20, 2018
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When someone over the age of 50 jerks off into their hanky
Man 1.im so horny but I’m at my nieces kindergarten

Man2. I know, just do a hanky wanky
by 420XxbunningsnagxX69 September 2, 2020
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