A hoe who dates everyone and a really bad friend
Brooklyn is a wanna be cool kid
by Joe9367 February 15, 2016
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Usually a stuck up bitch who doesn't care about anyone but herself. She usually pretty and always gets played by guys because none of them really wanna date her. She tends to think that guys love her when all they really want her to do is send him nudes and have sex. She is always telling everyone that she is sad or depressed even if they don't ask she thinks that if she tells people she's depressed people feel bad for her but no one does. She thinks she needs to brag constantly. She is usually a bitch who doesn't like anyone.
by Sunridge drama is back bitches December 21, 2016
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The most coolest girl in the world, though she may be insecure. Once you get to know her, she is the funniest and unique girl eva!!!!!!!
Mom: Why are you laughing?!

Me: Nothing, I'm just talking to Brooklyn :)
by YOMAMA69 September 16, 2012
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Best borough of NYC. The home of many greats; rappers, actors, singers, loactions for great movies, pizza, nail places, hair salons, etc.
Bklynz da shit man :)
by ...JeSSiCa... April 10, 2004
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-the greatest borough of nyc
-endless things to do
-the coolest place in the u.s.
-great place for rap
-one of the most diverse places in the world:
Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Italians, Jews, Arabs, Russians and anyone else all living in the best place on earth
Brooklyn is da shizznit and kicks the other boroughs asses
by crissant June 23, 2006
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Brooklyn is one of the finest boroughs. To all the people who are hating on BK and you reside there or you live in New York your hating on your own community so to that’s just plain foolish. The neighborhood should also respect other races and ethnicities, which is what makes New York so first-class! If you are not from NY and you are from the U.S. then you are still hating on your people because we all live in the same country. And the crime is minimal so just shut-up. We should elevate other places in the same nation not put them down!
Brooklyn a great borough that is in NYC which is in NY which is in the U.S.,and should have other support from people from different areas confiming that it is such a great place, just because its in the U.S.!
by Prisc November 7, 2007
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