a girls name or a person who is a slut or a whore or that works on the streets Nam com is a girl who wants every guy and who main job is to get all the d nam com is also considered as a cow or pig in school and thinks she has a lot of friends but really they were paid by the principal to talk to her basically if you were named nam com you your parents where probably on drugs.
by nam com May 7, 2018
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To “say nothing
“You see that fight between Amy and Jemma?”

“Say nam mate
by Hjtopping August 9, 2021
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Nam dohyun is a person who is good at rapping and dancing.he can scream like a dolphin.he is a giant baby who loves to eat especially pork ribs
is that Nam dohyun,aww he's eating pork ribs again
by Dohyunnie~ June 10, 2020
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Backwards for Florida man

Usually used by people who are trying really hard to be creative and secret, but end up being really predictable.
!gniod uoy era woh,nam adiorlf yeH
by ssa-trams October 11, 2021
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Is a good friend. Every time you mention it, it will be ready to help you
Nam Anh is a good person
by Lolitopaze279 November 22, 2021
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