The act of pooping up one's own back, sometimes all the way up the neck, as a deterrent to predators. Much like a skunk, it is a defense mechanism, ensuring the survival of "caper". Most commonly seen with infants and young teenagers.
Person 1: I hear you got mugged last night.
Person 2: Yeah, almost. But I shit caped and managed to get away.
Person 1: Thank god for shit caping.
by capedcrusader February 12, 2012
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One who creates or exudes some type of bowel movement from their body with alarming frequency. This bowel movent can be of the airy type or of the solid type with different textures or consistencies.
Jesus, you should have heard Andrew today after he ate that chili! He was a regular SHIT-SPAMMER.
by hangus77 February 29, 2008
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shit talkas
hey your a shit talka no im not?!!
by thefogiscoming5885 February 27, 2023
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when you shit yourself and then make a fucking scene about it because you’re booty-assed.
kira made a shit scene in walmart last night! what a fucking dick coin!
by niggletwithstds February 20, 2019
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After eating the food at Fitchburg State University and your stuck on the toilet right after and get stuck there longer than you want to be.
The worst feeling after eating at FSU is the Daka Shits
by September 25, 2022
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After eating at Fitchburg State University’s daka you get back and have to get to the nearest toilet because it tears up your insides and gives the daka shits and your stuck there for an hour.
The daka shits often comes out more than you ate
by YankeeB2003 September 25, 2022
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Someone:I just won a a championship

Protagonist:Well shit on a biscuit that's f****** great my friend
by Random Fucker 1212 July 29, 2022
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