The Australian version of Instagram, where you only get bot pages, porn advertisements and animals being mauled to death.
Canadian Guy: "Looks like Instagram is recommending my new band's page to people, nice."
Australian Guy: "Really? All I get are bot promotions and animals being mauled to death."
Canadian Guy: "That's the thing, I'm on Instagram, you're on Shit and Lamb."
by The Moist Critic February 11, 2023
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What cool asians do when they get their *non*swag on while listening to gansta music.
Kristy- "That song is awesome!"
Mark- "I know. The beat is so hot, I was bumping my shit."
by HoneyyMustardd December 27, 2011
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When your dad comes home from a long day of work at Bosch on a Saturday and had a couple beers and wants some of that nice tight hairy asshole that you've been hiding in your pants.
"Son bring over that fuzzy shit munchkin so daddy can have himself a good time." -Dad

"I'm just a kid!!!!" -Son
by BoschDaddy May 4, 2020
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A person of business at the cutting edge of current trends and fads
Geez Laura, that Pharmacy is Hip as Shit! 💣💥
by Widerstand May 17, 2023
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When your life is like shit already but more bad things keep happening. Bad news just pile up on top of each other.
Two days ago I lost my cousin. And today my gf broke up with me.

Shit piles up
by Ooway January 1, 2018
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A line used to tell someone to fuck off by creating the visual image of a person using their mouth to cut a shit off as it leaves the sphincter.
"Does that broken leg hurt?"
"Bite my shit off!"
by captaintumeke June 1, 2022
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The kind of shits that make doing something that demands a higher amount of fitness than what most people (no matter what they look like) do on an average day that much more difficult.
How would you like to get your home invaded on a night where you had the liquid shits? You ate some soup or some curry beforehand and the most fucked up thing about it is you were wide awake when they broke in, but since your GI tract wouldn't act right long enough to effectively incapacitate the intruders, you died at a young age.
by The Original Agahnim November 2, 2021
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