Someone leaving a blue state like California, Illinois, or New York to seek freedom from high taxes, over regulation, and overall progressivism by escaping to a red state.
Barbara is a blue state refugee; she’s from Los Angeles and moved here because she was tired of the high taxes.
Alex moved his family from Chicago to Dallas because he wanted to live in a more family oriented place. He’s what is called a blue state refugee.
by zpp83 May 19, 2019
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A state whose residents would largely vote for a literal banana peel in a presidential election of it was nominated by the GOP.
Yeah Trump dominated Tennessee in the 2020 election. They’re a banana peel state.
by SuperKlyph November 6, 2020
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an annual speech given by the president or prime minister of a Unitary state (that is, a country which is not a Federation) outlining the plans of the nation for the upcoming year. So far, it is made in Luxembourg, the Philippines, South Africa, and Ghana.
Section 9. Every year, in the last Thursday in December, the President of the State shall address the National Assembly in joint session about the State of the Nation. In the address the President shall refer to the National Productivity and Accomplishment of Targets in the outgoing year and to Targets and Plans regarding the incoming year. The address may be reviewed by all Media, Israeli or Foreign, so desiring.
~Draft of the Constitution of the State of Israel, Article 157, Section 9
by Glide08 December 28, 2016
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“You are SO stately, you need to have a baby,” or “you pulled a stately!”
by Sleepy Creep July 5, 2022
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say, “That shit is stately,” or “That is some stately shit right there.” Shit is in reference to the groupie bitch’s child.
by Sleepy Creep July 2, 2022
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In a world devastated by liberal-bourgeois materialist values, a group of aristocrats will rise up to safeguard their people through a provisional state (mutatis mutandis) replacing Liberal Democracy, reestablishing the authority and order of organic society. Fine arts, spirituality, moral values, high culture, honor, virtue, the intrinsic value of work, discipline, full human ontological development (moral, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical) will be reborn.
The aristocratic state will defeat the chaos of the status quo and the beauty of the cosmos will become.
by tradical May 17, 2023
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In a world devastated by liberal-bourgeois materialist values, a group of aristocrats will rise up to safeguard their people through a provisional state (mutatis mutandis) replacing Liberal Democracy, reestablishing the authority and order of organic society. Fine arts, spirituality, moral values, high culture, honor, virtue, the intrinsic value of work, discipline, full human ontological development (moral, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical) will be reborn.
The aristocratic state will combat chaos through the becoming of the cosmos.
by tradical May 13, 2023
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