a beautiful girl with lots of friends. all the boys lustfully look at her when she walks by. megan catches everyone’s eye when she flashes her movie star smile. her brown eyes light up a room instantly. she’s the best friend in the whole world and everyone loves her lots.
megan smith is a hot
by ieatkids June 16, 2019
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Is a coach, teacher, and preacher who has had a rough go.

The have a dad bod and fading strength because he got Asama. he loves correcting mistakes and shouting at the top of his lungs during football games.

He can be found in a ball field, church, fishing airing up his tires to his red pick up, yelling at his youngest son, sitting gracfully on his recliner with no shirt on or in a classroom or on the track. overall he is a ...kind...person I guess. who is chill as long as you don't mess up

Pronouns " all that gender crap is made Up"
Mr / Papa Smith ( my dad) will be really happy if the urban dictionary people publish this

Mr/Papa smith really likes his coffee ( more than Me)
by Tg223P October 8, 2023
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The most dumbest person you'll ever meet and the freakiest guy in the sheets
Yo Al smith he's a different guy in the bed.
by 4890 unknown December 25, 2017
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A little dick ass nigga that be folding like a omelet when his girl presses him and he a wimp
Person 1:Ay bro you talked to Creighton Wendell Smith in minute

Person 2:nigga who the fuck are you and why are you in my house
by YRGkami April 10, 2020
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a kid who used to be fat, loves to pee in cop cars, throws up a lot when drunk, you shouldn't feed him, dont let him smoke before games, his peepee is also v v v tiny and ges kinda ugly but its okay cause hes funny
oh my god you jus richie smithed that girl
by richardsmithh November 19, 2019
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Whence you get extra cheese on your nachos
Wife: you get extra cheese on your nachos
You: Epic that’s lickie smith!!
by Poggerboy69420 January 8, 2021
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Someone who just spews 'jargen' at any given moment to ascend what he thinks is the social ladder but its actually just the degenerate ladder.

Potentially you may be idling and start to think of some random words you can construe in a completely unreasonable way and apply it to a scenario which does not relate or warrant them at all and then you start to change the words and formulate a story with characters that rhyme or half rhyme with your new words and then just go down the verbal-mental rabbit hole.
Person 1: "Major maggot brains healthy kids meals"
Person 2: "Majoris maggot brans healthy school meals"
Person 1 *while laughing*: "you're such a jargen-smith"
by Jargenite2000 May 23, 2019
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