Refers to an "acquired from the past" habit/routine/action/policy, usually of questionable morals/ethics. It originates from a practice that a former U.S. prez began many years ago, and so then one or more C-in-C's have partaken of same sinfulness on numerous occasions since then because they figger that it is something they can get away with and thus they should be able to do it themselves.
A few "classic" and disgraceful examples of a precedent of the United States would be Kennedy's philandering (and so Clinton and Dubya followed suit), Nixon's dirty politics (and so Reagan did likewise, as well), and Reagan's running rough-shod over everyone (just as The Donald is doing now).
by QuacksO April 11, 2019
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An imaginary government group that people blame when they are in Deep Doo Doo.
Jack is being indicted for multiple felonies. Jack blames the Deep State instead of taking responsibility for his actions.
by Jack of all trades 2.0 July 28, 2023
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Being able to manifest every detail on your reality. Having the confidence in knowing that everything will go your way, and anything that you want will "pop" into your existence right now.
I had an instant manifestation, I was in the God state.
by July 22, 2022
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You snitching on everybody telling people business being a rat
John; I just snitched on them for selling to them guys over there
Lil Dopefiend: Bruh c'mon you always state flexing
by Lil Dopefiend February 24, 2020
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A competition to see if a person can have sex with a member of the opposite gender from each of the 50 United States.

1) There must be a set time-frame. "I play until I'm married" does not count. For all we know, you never plan on getting married. The most typical time frame is after 4 years of college, as it's more acceptable to be promiscuous, and offers the best chances at meeting people from across the country.
2) The state that the person you are trying to seduce claims as their state of origin is the one that counts. For example, if a person says, "I'm from California, but I was born in Florida", Florida would be the state that the person counts as.

3) A state only counts if it is actual sex. No second or third base allowed.
4) A second party must validate that you had sex with this person, and that they are from said state.
5) If you cannot remember what state the person is from, they are invalid for play in The State Game until you re-contact them. Rule 4 then applies.
"Man, last night was crazy. How'd you do??"
"I got California AND Nevada!"
"God I love The State Game."

"I swear she was from Alaska!!"
"Where's her Facebook?"
"...she deleted it..."
"No Alaska for you."
by ASUASUASU May 17, 2012
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Known by most as the ‘RSB’. The make-out hammock makes this the more popular party hub in Salt Lake City, UT. Located in Turnberry Apartments, it is even farther away from the wily youth hang out spots than anyone else could hope to be, and therefore makes it the ideal place to party on a Friday night.
Friend 1: ey you tryna hit up the club tonight?
Friend 2 : nah bruh you ain't heard it's going down at the Rcnmpire State Building tonight ( RSB)?

Friend 1 : good lookin out
by Lilpicnic4lyfe2 October 7, 2016
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