When a real pal grabs you by the back of your underwear and gives a good yanking.

Classic use can be seen in: The Mask.
by Yavo November 14, 2003
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When your underwear/pants gets pulled to far up your buttcrack.
Man, that gave me a wedgie!
by Dude Awaesome10110 April 28, 2017
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When your boxers are pulled up into your asshole
Peter got a wedgie so hard in the changing room that it ripped his boxers and gave him a boner and he cummed himself
by PJLono November 6, 2011
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when your ass is wet and you sit down for a while but by the time you get up the panty is stuck in your asshole so u have to get it outta ur ass
I'm wedgy again
This friggin panty suck in my ass auch!!
by Kevin February 4, 2004
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A person who evokes painfully awkward situations.
"That wedgie we interviewed kept talking about his pants collection."

"Only a wedgie would bring hot dogs to the club."
by Beneath The Seat August 17, 2015
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When one's underwear rides up their butt, usually resulting in a skidmark.
I sniffed her panties after she had a wedgie, they smelled great!!!
by me September 19, 2003
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A guitar pick holder that twist locks on the strings of the guitar.
I got my Wedgie from MusiciansFriend.com
by B July 23, 2003
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