Ever white YouTuber on our modern day planet. Whose main concern is themselves, and how many girls they have lining up to do the dirty.
Person A: What’s a Try-Hard ?
Person B: You ever heard of RiceGum ?
Person A: Well yeah, but what does that have to do with being a Try-Hard?
Person B: You really are oblivious aren’t you?
by I’m_A_Big_SPLOOSH July 6, 2019
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Someone that changes a lot more that an average person over a 2-5 year period
Wow she’s a try-hard if you look at her from freshman year to junior year!
by Katlin seemer October 4, 2019
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Someone who 'tries' too 'hard' to present themself as their idea of "cool", oblivious to the fact nobody else feels that way about their expression, instead coming off as corny / cringe-worthy. This might be a dude doing a burnout while driving past a group of unimpressed girls, or a pampered middle class youth displaying the gestures and sentiments of a hustler.
Person 1: "Did you see Kevins instagram post fronting like 'mr money' with like $80 in his hands?"
Person 2: "Yea I tried not to say anything... that's barely 1 days work... he's such a try-hard"

Person 1: "checkout that try-hard with the frosted tips and Guy Fieri shirt.. oh wait that's actually Guy Fieri"

Person 1: "Rob deliberately turns his music up like a full try-hard when driving past people dude, he thinks he's so cool"
by SocialVulture February 11, 2022
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someone who puts the cost of anything above that of winning; specifically in gaming
Lucas is a try-hard
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Someone who sweats excessively while playing block games.
"Look at that dude godbridging, what a try-hard"
by c101vp March 16, 2021
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