One of the most fun times you’ve ever had at a party or club.

*In NY it’s pronounced Pissa
I had a pisser last night at that party.

NY’er: Opening night at that club was a pissa (Pisser)
by Redhed76 January 1, 2021
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A person (usually male), who makes a social media comments designed solely to nitpick and negate something another person (usually a woman) has said - much like a dog that feel compelled to piss on other people's things
Every time I post a How-to example on Facebook, that pisser, Matthew, shows up and nitpicks something not relevant to the topic

I was having a a lovely twitter conversation until that pisser, John, showed up.
by The Wolf. June 7, 2020
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"pisser on my hip like im a cop 'ya 'ya, have you ever met a real ni**a rockstar ?
this aint no guitar B**** this a glock 'ya'ya'ya"
by tf123yayaya April 9, 2022
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British slang word for using the bathroom, usually number 1.
"Oi, mate, gonna take a pisser"
by Salmon Marshmallows March 30, 2022
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you’re such a pisser lol.”
by March 22, 2020
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A word/name to yell at someone when they annoy you.
Person 1: "Bro think he smart, bro think he funny-"
Person 2: "STFU PISSER"
by sewerwater510 November 9, 2022
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