When you remember something so goddamn hard that it physically hurts your brain for a bit
Friend: Remember that show we used to watch with the bears and the juice that made them jump a lot?

Me: Gummi Bears!!! Yo that just gave me a memory headache
by TheyCallMeJones August 28, 2022
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a group of Sariyas
Look at that pride of lions and a chronic headache of Sariyas
by Cheeky Corners November 1, 2020
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Al-Arqam Islamic School and College Preparatory.
let's cancel islamic studies and give them TOK instead, such a headache!
by kittycat 123 love peace September 18, 2019
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A headache caused by the visual onslaught of grammatically incorrect text. Some times bringing out the grammar nazi in you.
Mike's essay have me a grammar headache. It had too many errors.
by P.L Johnsen May 3, 2017
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This is when a person feels like the have a headache on only one side of the head, particularly felt on top of the eye or on the eyebrow.
person one: whats wrong?
person two: Dude I have this horrible headache, but its only one side!!
person one: oh, you must have a one-eyed headache.
by Carlos Santiago September 13, 2005
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When a task is so incomprehensible or difficult that you get very confused.
Getting a human on Mars and back will be a snowstorm headache for NASA.


"I got a snowstorm headache from that Math test last week."
by d_leet February 3, 2016
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