Literally the thing on top of your neck if you don't know what neck means something on top of your shoulders
by Person that uses their brain November 19, 2018
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"He tried to put his head in my vagina but I stopped him."
by ~Reign~ October 15, 2006
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Simply used as a pronoun for a person, or plural a group of people. Also used if said person is pushing your buttons.
Tom: Yo are you going to the party tonight? Hella heads are going!
Fred: Nah. Aaron is going and he is SUCH a head.
by aaaaaaronnn April 3, 2019
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using your mouth and throat to stimulate the mans penis in other words blow job
dat gyal give good heads her throat is large bwoy!!!
by unknown May 23, 2003
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Military slang for bathroom area inside the barracks.
- I want that head so sanitary...
- ...that the Virgin Mary could go in there and take a dump!

FROM THE MOVIE: Full Metal Jacket (1987)
by Christian Matsuy August 3, 2007
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Did I ever tell you about the worst head I ever got... yeah it was awesome.
by Cole Richards December 1, 2005
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