Welfare Cow. A sloppy lazy obesse individual with zero interest in work. Can usually be found grazing in low income apartments. Primary occupation is providing for the physical needs of Welfare Bulls. Usually has several offspring with different bulls. Social by nature welfare cows often develope drama based relationships with other welfare cows within the same apartment pens. As herds get larger the cows often compete for status and attentions from a common bull culminating in great episodes of Cops.
The Welfare Cow woke up the neighborhood when she stepped out on the apartment to yell at her newest boyfriend. I couldnt help but notice she was wearing a bright moo-moo that did little to cover her 400lb weight.
by BCM65 February 28, 2010
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When your girlfriend gains weight after you begin dating her and never loses it.
The sparks used to fly, but after she went forever cow the only thing that flies is her flubber.
by Shadow Warden October 18, 2019
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When your girlfriend gains weight after you just started dating and never loses it.
Anthony: Did you hear about bob?
Jon: No, Wait happened?
Anthony: He married a Forever cow
by Kilagen October 18, 2019
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A sexual act where the male is on all fours and where the woman lies on her back sucking him off like a calf trying to drink the warm milk from its mother's udder.
Mark: How was your night with Samantha?
Simon: We watched Barnyard and then she gave me a Daddy Cow.
by Whacky_Wookie September 23, 2018
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A name used to call someone fat and dumb without insulting them.
You are such a Cow Muncher...
by JayBeeDoubleu March 4, 2010
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