Chap one: "I say, that lady over there is quite attractive. I think I shall endeavour to insert my penis in her!"
Chap two: "Wait, my amorous friend, and stay your hand. For I was there last week, and she has some serious Bread in the Shed!"
by Gaz Edmunds October 2, 2006
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A sports event that is used to keep the stupid masses dumb and under control by keeping them fed and entertained like during the ancient roman times when they gave free bread and free entry to games like gladiator fights, chariot races, etc to keep the masses happy and under control.
Are you going to watch the superbowl tonight? nah I dont watch sports, its all bread and circus.
by Wise Silver Wolf February 2, 2020
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Tooru Oikawa's favorite food is milk bread! It slaps and I would suggest trying it yourself.
"Tooru Oikawa's favorite food is milk bread! his personal motto is if you're gonna hit it, hit it till it breaks!"
by gingwhereareyou February 4, 2021
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Amity is a faction from divergent which is focused on peace.
The bread they have there contains peace serum which is like being on drugs.

So amity bread is bread that makes you high
We need more amity bread for tomorrows lunch
by darcy from amity June 30, 2014
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Panda bread is a combination of bamboo and bread, made by enslaved pandas on the island Pandemonium. No one has been able to free the pandas, but some have escaped causing whomever takes the pandas to enslave unpopular humans and teach them the ways of making the bread.

The island has not been found by humans just yet.
H- Did you hear that Tristan guy got taken?

C- Yeah I bet he's making some panda bread.
by Haveisawesome December 31, 2014
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An undisclosed amout of money, usually a big sum.
Famously it is coupled with 17 cents, hella bread.17 sents
How much is that gorgeous car for?
It probably costed hella bread, and 17 cents
by United bank of M O N E Y July 25, 2017
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