a school in NC filled with druggies, future professional athletes, and hoes. a fun place to be but good luck keeping a secret because words spread like fire across the halls of this prison. if you go here you're either super rich or super poor. there is never a boring day here and can be pretty fun if you have friends from every group and luck out on a good teacher team.
valley springs middle school has hoes, players, athletes, and crackheads.
by valley24 April 3, 2020
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Private school located in Cerritos, CA. Full of stuck up people who are all fake. Principal looks like Peter Griffin. Ugly maroon and gold colors. You'll be an outcast if you're not dutch. Boring parties. Overpriced pizza.
"You need academic help? Fuck you."

"We love Jesus." -Valley Christian High School
by BaseballFan1111 September 2, 2014
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The place where:
1) Campus supervisors are now virtual police officers
2) Where each grade uses drugs, but treats as if their grade is superior
3) Mass violation of the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments
4) General prison for those not in ASB(alt-Eagles), athletes, or in admin.
ASB athlete: Hey you, show some Valley View High School pride!
Random, normal student: You can't make me....(Gets tazed by supervisor)
by not_a_tyrant March 24, 2019
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Worst place ever, and there's FOUR of e'm, 1 in England, 1 in Canada, 1 in America and the worst in Australia.
If You want to be tortured go to Valley View High School
by KimPine June 25, 2021
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A close knit school that goes from kindergarten to twelfth grade.Everyone is called by their first name.No clubs or teams (no winning teams anyways).No gym but there is a farm.High schoolers are aloud off campus for lunch and every Tuesday and Thursday 10-12 graders that choose to are either bussed off to Valley Collage or a job site (where they intern).It seems like an easy school but it is hard for the new kids.And the total amount of students is around 300-500 mostly Armenians and Hispanics.
Kid one- So where do you go to school?
Kid two- Oh I go to Valley Alternative Magnet School.
Kid one- Weirdo.*walks away*
by Miss Contradiction December 23, 2010
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fag 1: what school ya go to blood
fag 2: smithson valley high school in texas full of boring ass busters who ride cowboy dick all day
fag 1: word? I heard everyone is on substances, that's why everybody is so boring
fag 2: I know that lame Jesus hates smithson valley high school (texas)
by drakesmom February 20, 2014
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