When you said your goodbyes but refuse to leave.
Miranda was at this party, she was too drunk, insulted everybody and announced she was leaving three times but she just sat around brexiting (to brexit).
by Q020 January 25, 2019
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Peter says goodbye to Chris at a party, but does not go and gets another beer.

Peter brexeting (to brexit) again acknowledged Susi and grabbed the chance to speak to Chris.
by tschwalbach October 24, 2019
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When the parents says goodbye to leave the playground, but their child throws a tantrum
F: What's up with the Johnsons, I thought they where leaving.
G: Apparently their child is brexiting.
by Kneggy October 28, 2019
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When your having sex with a girl, and you can't decide whether or not to pull out, so you just do nothing instead.
Bro1: Dude me and Shannon almost had a pregnancy scare last night!

Bro2: No way, what happened?

Bro1: Well we spent all night brexiting, and I ended up remaining!
by BigBoy1432 May 11, 2019
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to brexit or (Noun-form: brexiting)
A verb meaning to say "Goodbye" but without actually leaving. Often used in online conversations when someone says "good night" or "bye" but stays online and replies to messages.
A: Yo imma go to sleep now, goodnight yall
B: Goodnight!
C: So as ive said, jefry, that madman, just jumped of the cliffs into the sea and broke both of his legs by hitting the ground to hard
A: lmao thats sick bruh
B: Yo A is brexiting again
A: Fuck you
by mr.language.professor March 21, 2019
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Meaning 1: An issue in your life that can likely be boiled down to Brexit either being something that happened as a result of Brexit or something that Brexit did that made your life more difficult.

Meaning 2: A baby born during the Brexit period (2016-2020)
"Hey Sarah, I now have to sell my villa in Spain because of Brexit"
"Yeah, that's such a brexit bump"

"Yo Tony, did you know that Lea was born in 2018?"
"No way, I didn't know that she was a Brexit Bump"
by Tailor of Chaos February 12, 2023
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Someone who thinks Brexit is the best thing to happen to Britain since Cornwall.
by Dave Dave7 June 25, 2021
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