a very nice and amazing kid who doesn't care what other people think he is great and powerful and helps people as much he can he opens the doors for people and watches the Andy Griffith Show almost every night with his family. he helps people up and strives to be a good person as best he can. he strives with his friends and helps them be the best they can be. he wants them to be the best people they can be and do the best stuff they could do because some of them don't make the best choices "cough cough Justin cough cough" jkjj guys haha got you Regan and i wish Iron Man was here to save me but I think Hana could.
spencer is the word that means loving happy and courageous
by hotty bossy February 24, 2017
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The act of matching with someone on an online dating service (such as tinder) for the purpose of degrading them to the point where they begin to doubt the value of their own existence.
"I've been spencering this guy so hard, he's getting so desperate"
by purplemusicman May 9, 2015
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to be homosexual or like me or to have a very tiny penis
"yo your such a spencer" "YO ILL FUCKING KILL YOU"
by alex hammer November 23, 2007
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That guy pulled a spencer at Larissa's party by drinking too much and then throwing up on the white carpet.
by duke eggbert January 4, 2006
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to stalk people using facebook.
"Bobby was totally spencering Jill last night."

"That girl is so hot! I'm gonna spencer her later this afternoon!"
by Aaron KA March 11, 2008
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