Someone who smokes excessively - cigarettes, cannabis or of the sort
Dude look at that guy from school, he’s always smoking, what a chimney puffer
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some one who wants to be a stoner but is not one normally losers with no money take this roll to get friends
That party was lame, the puffer-snapper showed up and started acting stoned.
by Austrage18 April 24, 2009
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A female who has trouble making it through everyday life withought haveing sex with some guy
That bunny puffer looked realy upset today, maby she'll fuck me.
by Matthew R. Cain February 18, 2009
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Anyone in the male homosexual community that does any or all forms of casual and repetitive, often meaningless, sexual activity. Puffer-sluts can be identified by overly loose lips, limp wrists, and are usually clad in tight-to-the skin tees embroidered with ironic or witty phrases.

Word derived from the cliche "more fish in the sea" expression (2007)
Several people were uneasy at the party due to the drunken advances of the puffer-sluts.
by MadTOWN expression March 19, 2008
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When accomplishing 69 and your girl is on the bottom and you are on top, you proceed to sit up on her face while your penis is in her mouth, you fart and this will cause her to sniff it through her nose. This is a very advanced move only to be done by professionals.
Bro I have my girl the Barthuly Puffer last night
by BigmanJ12 January 19, 2022
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The pressure of a load that fills a girl's mouth who has cheek piercings, the pressure of which cause a high psi t-valve explosion going in all three directions
That freak had cheek piercings so I turned jer into a puffer t-valve
by Sullvein September 3, 2017
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