Someone who is innocent in an offense but exaggerates the severity of the offense.
She has a point, but her snobbishness makes her an innocent jerk.
by Ereck Flowers March 14, 2015
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The appearance of innocence despite being guilty of dilatory, seemingly innocuous, or passive actions to sabotage others.
That cashier just walked by me and asked that other woman for help. I'm not fooled by her vicious innocence.
Don't fall prey to vicious innocence. Your boss buys you a few trinkets, but delays providing you with training, even when you ask.
Our history teacher is loaded with vicious innocence. He calls Indian massacres, 'unfortunate'; slaves 'servants'; and uses 'allegedly' for any history that discredits his heroes.
by BellyGoat February 10, 2018
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The act of preventing your innocent friend/relative from learning the dirtier parts of the world.
Person 1: Look! It says 69!

Person 2: w h at

Person 2: Oh ok
by FailedLab February 18, 2018
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When you inadvertently get a "like" on facebook from someone you don't know, usually on the wall of a mutual friend. Upon further examination you realize the only reason you received a like from this stranger is because you were part of a straight like being performed on your friend's wall by the mutual friend.
Nicole: I got a facebook like on a "happy birthday" I posted on Nate's wall from a complete stranger.

Rishi: Did you see if he liked any other status's on their wall?

Nicole: Let me see... Yeah, he actually liked everything, even FarmVille information.

Rishi: Don't worry, you were just an innocent likestander.
by DJ Weirdface April 26, 2011
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1. Not being guilty to a crime
2. Didn't do anything wrong
3. Nothing happening to you Yet
4. Virginity

5. Not knowing about sex yet
1. I'm Innocent of the crime
2. No I'm innocent Of doing drugs
3. I'm still innocent for the time being
4. She is longer innocent After college
5. She Found out too much she is not a innocent child
by 459395 March 7, 2022
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by Cody5050 May 12, 2023
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Andre is so pure and innocent, even though his LC does not with him.
by AndreMontii September 16, 2022
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