The state of being in which two people both cock block each other into the friend zone even though they are both attracted to and want to be with each other.

They are then relegated to the state of perpetual friend zone with much regret yet they never know what it is that they failed to achieve.

Thus these two attractive people are forced to for ever interact and want yet not connect.
Bob and Anna MAFZ’d each other on Saturday; it was painful to watch. Mutually Assured Friend Zone (MAFZ)for the win.
by IFYG DRM December 29, 2018
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a guy(or girl) perpetually stuck in the "friend zone", yet they are not content. Often times resurfacing to complain that you never gave them a chance or just to remind you that they exist, in hopes of escaping the "friend zone".
Julie is such a friend zone howler, she called me 2 hours after my girl broke up with me last week, asking to "come hang out", like i don't already know she has a crush on me.
by Tenkaiechi March 25, 2015
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When you are cuddling with someone and the other person just thinks of it as a friend thing but really the persons has no were else to sit/sleep
Ya me and Kate were totally snugging last night, bro I'm pretty sure it was just a friend zone cuddle.
by Tittsinurface99 January 15, 2016
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When a person is placed into the friend zone by someone, but continues to believe that there is still hope
You: "I swear dude, Jessica is so into me."

Friend: "Bro, you are so in the One-Way Friend Zone
by Axe Whoal February 9, 2011
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An otherworldly pan dimensional being of such infinite prowess that they have mastered all known aspects of the metaphysical consciousness altering sexless void, known as the friend zone. He has shattered all pre conceived notions of barriers, limits and rational ability considering all relations, religions and retaliations concerning the female sex; or sex at all.
Dark Lord of the Friend Zone: Wanna go to Comic-Con?
Girl: OMG YES! Can we share a room, im strapped for cash
DL: Uh yea sure
Girl: If we share a bed, that can drive the price further down
DL: That sounds great!
Girl: OMG I cant wait to meet some hot nerds!

by ILOVEYOURYAN March 6, 2012
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When your best friends ex is tryna fuck, but you don't feel like being compared to them in bed, possibly ending the friendship
"Hey your ex Joe tried to smash yesterday, I best friend zoned his ass."

"Good, he's got bad dick anyway."
by Anarchist 27 February 17, 2019
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A growing epidemic that causes males to believe they have been "friend zoned" by girls they are acquainted with, yet they have never approached the girl in a manner of creating a sexual or emotional relationship. The disease stems from a lack of confidence in oneself, thus causing one to create the social construct of "friend zoning" to cope with their feeling of inferiority and lack of ability to ask a girl how she truly feels.
Infected: "Dude I totally got friend zoned the other day. It sucks so hard. Ughh forever alone."
Friend: "Sorry to hear she rejected you..."
Infected: "She didn't I just know she doesn't want me."
Friend: "Oh god...get away! What are you?!"
Epidemiologist: "Yes a perfect example of False Friend Zone Syndrome (FFZS)."
by Jimmithy Jimmers January 19, 2012
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