Large political event in the UK in which serveral parties duke it out in pursuit of government. The unthinkable happened as the exit polls got the result bang on target.

Final Score
Tony Blair-The Liar (Labour) 356
Michael Howard- The Vampire (Conservative) 197
Charles Kennedy- The boozer (Lib Dem) 62
American: The British 2005 General election is unimportant
Englishman: We have nukes, it's important
by R.Lyon (proud Tory) May 11, 2005
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Phrase used to describe something that is fake, fraudulent, bogus, inauthentic, phony, etc.
Her tits were so big i swear they are like an american election.

Avril Lavigne is not punk, she is like an american election.
by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008
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A sign that the apocalypse has come
2016 presidential elections, Idiot Elitist Feiminist VS Criminal Liar
by November 17, 2016
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Syndrome that many liberal, socialist females are sadly forced to confront with when their capitalist male partner is a red-blooded Republican and no longer plans to “sleep with the blue enemy”
Christine will have to find alternative means to satisfy her desires due to a severe case of Post Election Celibacy. The hope is that she will have money left for batteries when her wealth is redistributed.
by Hensch man November 7, 2008
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In view of politicians making promises before an election but invariably breaking them after an election.
Therefore the lowest possible denominator of the value of something can be described in this way.
'Jack's commitment to give up smoking is as worthless as an election promise.'

'Yeah, he won't last a day.'
by MrMagnesium May 14, 2014
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A politician elected to the position of President on a platform of "change". Apparently he defines "change" as the appointment of all of Clinton's ex-staffers to his administration.
I wonder what position President-Elect Obama will give Monica Lewinsky.
by kindlydank December 7, 2008
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To place blind faith in your elected representatives with out holding them to account.

Something only a complete fool would do.
Too amny Americans Thrust their elected leaders.
by black flag June 5, 2004
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