Ashley is a sexy ass bitch who may be short but she is a qt! She got a short temper and can be bitchy but she has good friends. She's more creative and emotional than she admits. Great hair. Great makeup and fashion. Athletic. She doesn't like many people because she sees them for whom they really are.
by Heyitsashleeyy July 1, 2017
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This person is usually nice, shy, and sometimes can be mean if you get on her bad side. This person always looks her best---she A definite nigga snatcher.

-Better watch yah man
"Damn yo, you see Ashley? She lookin fine as fuck"
by Amy Vazquez March 14, 2017
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An annoying ass mother fucker who is an attention seeking little bitch
Omg! You're being such an Ashley! wtf.
by Todda2 January 19, 2016
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A girl who is still trying to figure out life. Typically blonde, with a decent body. Tends to like herself more than others do. Some people see right through her, although many don't. Has a great personality, although she doesn't use it in the right ways. Talks a lot of gossip about everyone, but doesn't realize people do the same about her. Has a big ego and is usually full of herself. They are a good friend when you need them to be, but she's not one you want to mess with. She can be a big bitch without even realizing it. If she doesn't get her way she becomes very unhappy. Ashley is really fun to be around if you forget all her flaws. A lot of guys think shes attractive, although many find her quite strange. Ashleys loves being popular and cool, and can easily be misunderstood. They can often be rude and inconsiderate, but have a sensitive side as well. Ashley's can be pretty cool girls if you get to know them, but don't be fooled by their outward appearance.
Hey did you hear about Tim and Tom?" "Yes, who told you?!" "...Ashley" "Oh of course!
by babyboo_123 March 24, 2011
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Is the Queen of Hearts, she is loyal as a lion and nothing can get in her way!
Ashley is always there for her friends and family, she is the coolest girl i have ever met!
by Boss_Lady100 December 21, 2016
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a girl that every boy has a crush on. She is great with sports, especially basketball. She is a tall girl. Is hilarious, but some shorter girls in the grade are jealous of her
Ashley is so cute
by hotdude1 January 30, 2017
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The most beautiful woman I've ever met and the love of my life.... my babygirl..
She Ashleyed herself .
by Kto12345678910 February 4, 2017
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