Used as a suffix and placed at the end to mean not fully
He was coolish
by Trendrekt March 8, 2015
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Can replace "its", "it's", "is", and "are"
Ish broken.

Ish no problem

Ish that your drink?

How ish you feeling?
by Fayla October 16, 2007
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When you have feelings for two opposing answers.
Friend: Do you like my t-shirt?
You: Ish. It doesn't really look good on you.
by desi_ray May 31, 2005
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a term used to describe a current state of mind or something of the sort basically a made up word that describes a feeling at any giving time when u dont want to make desicisions.
girl 1: hey where do you wanna go tonight??

girl 2: ah I dont know Im kinda ish its up to you.


guy 1: how do you feel bout that?

guy 2: Im just ish bout the whole situation.
by KAylee Bomb February 4, 2010
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originally created by a fed up teenager Randi, the new breed of kids that refuse to fall under a label, or simply cannot be labeled.
by randi vengeance July 25, 2006
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abbreviated form of issue.
person 1 "how is your boyf?"
person 2 "oh, we're having some ish at the momes"
by aariny January 21, 2008
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