Zon is someone who is absolutely beautiful inside and out. They know how to make someone happy when they are down. They are someone special, and super sweet.
Zon you do realize you are the only reason i’m here.
You make me happy Zon.
by Corseted January 6, 2021
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Incredibly bored...to the point of not knowing what to do with yourself. Sick state to be in.
'Oh my god this science class is killing me'
'Yeah man I'm totally zonned'

'All I've been doing for the past three days is surfing the net, going on msn and eating...I'm zonning out mate'
by liz.eh December 30, 2006
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To take a seriously hardcore nap in a man-nest, commonly referred to as the papasan. Papasans are the best chairs ever.
John: I'm gonna go pop a zon, see ya
Rick: Man, I wish I wasn't stuck with an armchair.
by Aj.Hatch September 25, 2009
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1)mega tool.

2)An idiot, who can't take the initiative to make his or her own decisions on bands or issues and lets trl control those opinions which he or she cannot make.
that zon tool just bought the "lil bow wow" CD.
by emsevolmomruoy November 7, 2006
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basically means the let the person stop thriving for success and giving up
yo man, stop doing all that extra shit, take a break!

nah man, dont let me get in my zone!!
by prettygoddess8714 February 19, 2016
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When a package is ordered from Amazon
Them: “did you order that thing I needed?”
Me: yeah, I just zonned it.
by Lady Lachrymose February 21, 2022
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