adj. To be a perfect amount of high and drunk.
To be at peace with the world as your body is experiencing the perfect balance of the best both worlds.
hannah montana is actually ying-yanged when she sings "Best of Both Worlds.
by confucious "j-tits" mantits November 12, 2010
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When a interracial couple, (black person white person) engage in the sexual act of the 69, so that from a far it looks like a ying yang symbol.
When Dante and Shirley had sex last night, i felt as if i was witnessing a ying yang
by Rich Driscoll September 8, 2006
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A ying-yang is a circular symbol split in half so that each half looks like a sideways tear-drop. The two sides are labeled Ying and Yang. Ying is white with a circle of black in the bulb of its tear and has the point of the tear up. Yang is black with a circle of white in the bulb of its tear, its point is down.
A ying-yang symbolizes the belief that there is two sides to everything. The light without dark, no day without night, happiness without sadness, good without bad, ect..
It also shows that nothing is purely good or bad or so on and so forth. The two pieces on their own are half, together they are whole, and balanced. the Ying side represents good/light/day ( pretty much anything positive) and Yang is pretty much anything negative. Ying, in a ying-yang, is always on the left side.
The twins act just like a ying-yang, one is always causing trouble, and the other is always so nice a sweet.
by Nina April 20, 2005
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Halloween has spooks out the ying yang.
by Anonymous October 30, 2003
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Talking trash with the goal of gaining favor; making improbable statements. Silly rapping to a woman. Telling white lies; bragging, boasting.
That brother talked so much "ying yang" he wore me out.
I can't believe all the ying yang that came out of her mouth.
by Uglore the Magnificent July 11, 2008
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ying yang iz a symbol duh.(a chinese symbol) it symbolyizes peace but it really standz 4 understanding of how things work, see the The outer circle representz "everything", while the black and white shapez within the circle represent the interaction of two energiez and they cannot exist without each other-(with out yin/ying yang would be off balance creating chaos samething with yang without ying) ying iz the black and yang iz the white
ying yang iz very important, it prevents choas between the living, ying yang iz balance
by yo_wifey14 July 21, 2006
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