Weo Gof Ian is similar to weo gof but more intense, When thinking of Weo Gof Ian its wise to think it as: being happy, energetic aswell as exited and sleep deprived, still it is most commonly used by children to express themselve and their emotions, yet others may use this term aswell, those who combine every drug and take it often feel "Weo Gof Ian" which is why most drug addicts (children) use it the most.
by WEO GOF March 15, 2022
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geo weo is a nickname for someone named geo, he is very gay and nobody likes him
ayo fuck geo weo
by gawzthekidd November 3, 2019
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Weo is normally the definiton of Happyness right?, but when you add a Teo it means alot more! It Means not Only happy it means Very Happy and Exided.
Wow man i got a Invitation from that Girl to her Party , im so weo weo teo
by Offical Defines November 27, 2016
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it means your extremely happy and energetic, as if you snorted a line of coke. Weo Gof is most commonly used by women named Madison as they love weo and gof.
by WEO GOF March 15, 2022
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A phrase, originating from a group of engineering students at the University of Virginia, often used on memes and custom emojis to convey common emotions such as confusion, awkwardness, excitement, or unity. This phrase was later spread internally in a few technology companies where the students end up working at after their graduation. The phrase itself does not hold any significant meaning, but depending on the context, it can convey different ideas.
John:"Hey Joe, your code here looks somewhat suspect. What is this?"
by quigm July 23, 2022
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Why did you hack her account ?

Why did you show everything to them ?
by 🐌bip🐢 March 30, 2017
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