adj - Good with words.
Alanna used her vocabulative power to confuse the hell out of everyone else in Indiana.
by Dejiko July 20, 2004
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The act of expressing an abstract idea in words and sentences. This pins it down into manageable terms for further use and analysis.
It can be difficult to vocabulate complex emotional ideas.
by kZard June 30, 2017
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When you adopt someone's vocabulary from hangin with em for a while.
When she talks her vocabulator is so obvious, it gives away who she hangs with and stuff. She's been vocabulating hard on that dude.
by Bootybarn January 3, 2013
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n. The process of making up words from parts of other words.
Sarah Palin's creation of the word "refudiate" shows that her while her skill in vocabulism is adept, her attempt at tweeting in actual English is lacking.
by GiraffeBoy February 26, 2011
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n. The part of the human brain responsible for storage and, more importantly, retrieval of all the words learned over the course of a lifetime.

Vocabulator failures, in which the correct or perfect word ( le mot juste ou parfait), which may have spent years collecting dust in the less-travelled regions of a surgeon's mind, is badly routed and ends up dangling uselessly at the tip of his tongue, can be both annihilatory and devastative.
by gnostic3 November 24, 2022
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(V) To use the SAT vocabulary you learn in school in everyday speech
Example of a vocabulation:
Number 5 on the test was very ambiguous.

Instead of:
Number 5 on the test had two answers that looked right.
by Marianne October 4, 2003
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