Someone that is extremely ugly, repulsive, or straight cancer physically.
Peter looks straight ugly. That's why Peter is an uggie. Alternative form of uggie is smuggie when they also smell.
by Njx2c February 10, 2019
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1. I hate it when my pants ride up my butt... It feels so uggy.
2. This uggy, drunk guy kept talking to me today, he looked like he was 58.
by Shwann July 14, 2004
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A joking way of saying "ugly." Therefore, it is less offensive.
Me: Jungkookah, you're uggy.
Me: Huehuehehehuehueheheehehehe *runs away*
Jungkook: .... wat.
by Baekhyunee_EXOL July 2, 2016
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Both cute and ugly
My dog is so uggy she’s cute but ugly at the same time.
by God's Child July 1, 2019
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1.meaning any descriptive word

2.describing someone ugly, wierd, or annoying
1. That uggy rock is sooo uggy, like the goose!

2.Dan is the uggiest person ever.
by fishrocker April 8, 2009
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Unpleasant or repulsive, esp. in appearance.
Maria Perez you are extremely uggie, please go do something about it, love you.
by Bryan Williamson May 20, 2013
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description for a girl who ,

1. obviously loves Uggs
2. wears fake nails
3. never leaves the house without make up or a hair out of place.
4. usually very popular with the boys.
5. owns a thick american accent and uses words like
" really? " or " ow my god" with accentuated body language.
6. tend to be perceived as rather shallow.
7. capable of being catty

this term does not signify attractiveness or the opposite. it depends on the context and obviously personal-preference.
dude 1 " dude that chic is hot"

dude 2 " is she an uggy?"

dude 1 " damn right she is"
by Steadler December 4, 2011
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