a very cruel and unkind mythical creature that lurks the streets in the gears of war 2 video game
the ticker ran quick
by ojotheshow September 1, 2009
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An individual who thinks so highly of themselves, that they think the world should circle around them or at least pledge to them. They also tend to think they are 'all that' so they think their doing you a favour by being friends with you, dating or even merely talking to you; hence they gossip on the smallest of things. To lastly add, to mentain their ego, they uphold a facade.
Girl 1: I tried talking to that guy and he looked at me like I was worth nothing.

Girl 2: The other day I overheard him gossiping about Sam, saying that he should go make friends with his own class. Typical ticker!

Guy: Damn, he thinks his all that but he's not... fuck the fake and discreet!
by GreatIncredibleJ July 1, 2012
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An individual that masturbates routinely, usually because they haven't and/or can't have sexual intercourse due to their unsightly appearance.
John: "How does Dave live without friends? That must suck."
Frank: "Yeah, I know right? He's probably a ticker."
by damann August 27, 2009
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The new Facebook window in the upper right hand corner of the screen. A Facebook in your Facebook, so you can use Facebook while you use Facebook. A play on words with "Stock Ticker".
"Damn, I hate this new Stalk Ticker window on Facebook, I don't need that many updates"
by I<3pseudonyms1234 September 21, 2011
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A mechanical device used in a car to signal to other motorists what direction you will take when changing lanes or turning. Commonly known as a"turn signal".
Fritz was driving down the road and was going to turn right onto the next street so he flipped his right turn-ticker on.
by tblsetters September 26, 2013
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