syn. "taste". Usu. lenghtened and embellished for dramatic effect (tasssssse). Refers to any immensely pleasurable consumption, esp. of food or marijuana.
Damn, gettin' my tase at bojangles sure feels great after I got some of that headies tase from the Roor.

This breeze feels good on my neck while i'm gettin' my tase.
by scose September 21, 2006
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1) The act of erotically dancing for someone or someones, perhaps with removal of clothing articles, so as to distract said person or persons before using a taser on them.

2) Typo of "strip tease."

3) Best not to confuse the two.
1) "I was over at Michael's house last night, and I gave him a strip tase...."

2) "OMG is he okay?!

3) "%#@$ iPhone!!"
by President Warren G. Harding January 26, 2011
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When you have sex with your friend's girlfriend, and you pull out a taser and tase her. The she'll yell in intense pain as your friend joins you
by CBT69 December 16, 2019
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When you completely own or dominate someone/something in all possible aspects
Person 1: I don’t know if I can take that this shot
Person 2: don’t be weak, tase that bitch!
by Fruitgirly September 25, 2018
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To get gator tased means to get owned.
Someone in prison drops a soap. That guy just got gator tased.
by John Belucci December 29, 2007
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1) If your a little bitch, what you scream when resisting arrest.

2) A response to a friend who is clearly bullshiting you.
1) Andrew Meyer, a little bitch, yelled "Don't tase me, bro! DON'T TASE ME!!" when the FPD tased the shit out of him.

2)"Hey, I just got to level 64 on WoW!"
"Don't tase me, bro. Yesterday you where at 13."
by tweeter September 20, 2007
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Owww! Owwwwwwwwww! What did I do?! Stop it! Don't tase me bro! Don't tase me!
by lolwutwutwut September 22, 2007
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