When a woman constanly drops food down her top and gets it wedged between her boobs, she gains the nickname takeaway tits.
Girl: Arghh, I dropped a chip down my top again....
Guy: Nice goin takeaway tits..

Guy 1: Hey did you see Laura in the cafeteria yesterday?
Guy2: Yeh, talk about takeaway tits, more food went down her top then in her mouth.
by FIGJAM..... November 21, 2009
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when living in a shared house the person who is responsible for the shopping or cooking and really can't be arsed can opt to buy a takeaway as forfiet for being lazy.
guy1: man, i really can't be arsed cooking tonight, i think i'll pay takeaway tax.
everybody: whoohoo, PIZZA!!!!!
by keys&peas April 14, 2009
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Takeaway Day is when you are craving a takeaway but something or someone is stopping you from fulfilling your truest desires. From precious Pizza to charming Chinese. Either way, your friend owes you a takeaway.
"Oh hey, it's Takeaway Day! You wanna maybe order something :3?
by Iamafatbitch October 10, 2021
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When you're eating a girl's minge and you sneeze aggressively like how bossman sneezes in chicken tendies.
Ben: What did you get up to?
Merlin: Big man ting yeh, I London takeawayed that morning

Castillo: It's not looking good Brev
by June 10, 2022
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Ordering two or more takeaways to a house for them to then battle it out for your money.
"We had a takeaway showdown last night. We ordered four takeaways, Domino's won, they delivered a PowerPoint presentation"
by ActionBronson1hunna April 10, 2014
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