A symbol which was and still is used my Nazi and Neo Nazi groups. The symbol is commonly mistaken for the sign of peae and prosperity used within the Hindu belife. This is a misconception because where as the shapes may be identical, the Swatika is flipped vertically and rotated 45 degrees.
The Nazi's arm patch portrayed a swatika and eagle.
by yup October 21, 2003
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As any know-it-all 15 year old will tell you, the swastika was originally an anicent Hindu symbol of good fortune and prosperity. However, it was used reletivly recently by the nazis and is still used by various hate groups. One would have to be very foolish to use the swastika with the anicient connotations. Would you wear a swastika armband to wish everyone else good luck?
"Intellectual" 15 year old-I have a swastika drawn on my comp book because it used to be an ancient symbol of good stuff.

Senseable Person-But now its a symbol of the Nazis, racism, and bigotry, and is offensive to millions around the world. Besides, its not like the swastika has had its meaning "reclaimed". Get rid of it before people think that you are actually a Nazi.
Think of it this way: Cadillacs used to be symbols of youth and wealth. Now they are symbols of old age. Does driving a Caddy make people think that you are young and rich? No, usually people see a Caddy and imagine that some old person is driving it. Same basic idea.
by JakeStar January 23, 2006
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the true meaning of a swastika, is it is just a cross doing a cart-wheel
priest: fuck you jew!(holds up a picture of a swastika)
jew: hey fuck you guy!
priest: hey hey hey,a swastika is just a cross doing a cart-wheel
by sam r i April 3, 2005
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Very ancient symbol representing wealth and peace. From a graphic design point of view, one of the coolest logos ever created. High visual impact. Sexy, elegant, slick.

Also, ripped off by Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), failed artist, corporal in the austrian army and finally muppet dictator during his reign of terror, for use by the Axis, a joint effort by several countries worldwide to promote german tourism abroad. Nowadays it is used as a secret symbol to identify jerks, emotionally immature wanker death metal fans, sexually insecure homophobic rapists, disoriented working class kids , weekend freedom fighters, nostalgic bigot old farts and all kinds of radical football aficionados.
by dmt August 15, 2003
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Ancient sanskrit symbol of peace, prosperity and welfare. Today, most in the west asociate it with racism due to its use in Nazi germany. What a shame
by Bigrattus June 12, 2003
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A Symbol used as far back as ancient times and even endorsed by the Christian Communitys until as recently as 75 years ago, The SYmbol is still used by Eastern Religions such as Hinduism for good luck and as a "charm against the evil eye" today.

However in western society the Swastika has been regarded as the symbol of evil since 1945.
by Brother Number One October 3, 2003
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used way back when and had to do with peace and prosperity. nowadays, any racist, white supremicist uses it to try and scare off people.

most people dont know that not all nazi's were racist also...most people just joined the political party because they needed food..
don't tatoo a swastika on your arm to think you're a nazi.
by jesus August 18, 2003
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