The occurrence of two penises coming in contact. Can be for the purpose of comparative measurement or the purpose of play. The movement generally resembles the sword fighting technique of pirates.
Curious about the status of their respective manhood , Joey and Shmoolie spent the better part of the afternoon swashbuckling.
by jeromino111 November 1, 2010
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Man, that's one wicked cool pirate sword type guy

Yeah, he must be a swashbuckler
by Sinship June 1, 2005
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1.(verb) to be swept up by ocean water and tumbled around
2.(noun) daredevil
3.(noun) swaggering swordsman
I really dont want to be swashbuckled by another wave.
by shestooyoungforyoubro. August 22, 2011
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The act between two men fighting to decide who is 'The Giver' and who is 'The Receiver' way of a 'Man-Sword Fight'!
Man 1 - "I am going to bum you".

Man 2 - No, I am going to bum you!".

Man 1 - "I challenge you to a "Man-sword" fight to decide on who shall be the 'Bummer'.

Man 2 - "I'm not into Swashbuckling. Bum away"
by The Coxdogg September 5, 2011
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The sexual act of two guys penetrating a girl at the same time; one in the vagina, one in the anus. Although completely hetero in nature, it can involve penis to penis sword play that may make one or more of the male parties uncomfortable.
Dude, your girlfriend is really kinky. I just don't know if I can handle swashbuckling with you.
by pauliejr October 6, 2006
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The act of sword fighting someone pirate style. While fighting often you will hear "Yarr... scurvey dog" and similar phrases.
Man this fool was pissing me off so i pulled out my sword and swashbuckled his ass
by Alex April 5, 2004
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