Two or more mattresses lying adjacent to each other. May be embedded (pun intended) into bed frames. Originated in 05C.
Oleh: OK, guys, from now on, we will call superbeds - MegaBeds.
05C: Okay.
Oleh: Also, they are illegal.
by Oleh Zaychenko October 27, 2007
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meaning super but when you pronounce it, it sounds like a “buh” sound at the end. usually indians on tiktok use this word.
indian 1: Wow! Amazing Man! Superb!
indian 2: Thank you! 🙏
by luvthorns October 21, 2020
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The large pile of blankets and pillows where an innocent freshman and an agressive junior have vigorous sex.
If in the superbed and given a handjob or blowjob, the junior wil cum a bucketfull
He neighed like a horse and cummed a bucket full, causing him to change his pants in the superbed.
by WIL MCCARTHY March 16, 2008
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superB is an abberiviation for super Bitch or super Babe, which is typically used for refering to a sexually attractive girl or woman with elite body features, i.e. big boobs or round booty etc.
-Hey dude. Do you remember the name of the superB we met at the club last week?
+ Which one?
- The heart shaped booty girl, you filirted with for a while at the bar table.
+ Yesss. She was such a lovely babe. Her name was Mary, I think.
by WildWetWords August 14, 2018
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The verb of superb.

Another cool word.

plural superlative
That party was so superbical!
by Eli Zablosky September 24, 2007
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A bed consisting of two beds pushed together. Also Anne's bed.
A superbed is clutch for practicing the triangle properly.
by adamisaspaz March 5, 2003
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Having a superb quality of the nth degree. An inestimatable amount of superbity, often stated with inflection suggesting disbelief yet assuring a certain I-swear-this-is-true-ish-ness.
Their food is average but the prices are superbical! No, really!!
by Eli Z September 23, 2007
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