"She had the smelliest snicket ever."
by snicket lover February 15, 2005
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(n) A crumb or piece of food projected from your mouth while talking.
(v) To accidentally project a crumb or piece of food onto someone's person.
Just as he got to the exciting part of the story, he snicketed me with a piece of his cracker.
by Binara February 20, 2007
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A perosn who's a half ass snob; half ass persnickety
Her very snicket ways, gets to me.
by Personapal November 18, 2019
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A cool Tunisian. see Haithem. The word first surfaced in the Bay Area of California. Haithem
Guy: Hey, isn't Will's roommate from Tunisia?
Dude: Yeah, he's such a snicket!
by Saint Lemony January 14, 2009
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A particularly potent strand of marijuana
Get down on them Snicketts
by J. Currie May 4, 2005
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Sarah wandered over to the bar carefully avoiding the lemony snicket. That's not a mistake she would make again.
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used to describe situations or scenarios that go overwhelming wrong.
I was late picking her up, I called her by the wrong name and we ran out of gas on the way back to her house. The date just went all Lemony Snickets.
by A.J. Barnes November 9, 2005
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