Person 1: my name is Billy
Person 2: Skeen, I'm Nick
by Nick Mason December 23, 2003
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Another way of saying "seen". Way of acknowledgement.
Probably comes from some idiot typing "scene" instead of "seen" to his friend, and when that idiot read it, he pronounced it "skeen? Skeeeeen".
Tyrese: What ya doing this weekend?
Carlton: Having a bud, watching the game.
Tyrese: Skeen.
by Sexual_Chocolate August 26, 2006
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it means alright or 'iite' as some people mite say

but it can varify into diffent means like 'ok'
Boy1:i saw some buff gyal today
by sbwild88 October 3, 2009
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1. Skeen is something you would say as a reaction to something someone said which isn't true for instance - "init im sick at football"

2. If someone is skeening you its like they're bullshitting you for instance - "fam you are skeening me right now

--- Usually used in parts of east and north London and the places around it---
"init im sick at football"

"fam you are skeening me right now"
by krakhed123 November 26, 2016
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1) Understood or I see.

2) Whatever, I don't care so get lost.
1) Bob: I fingered ma hot gash last night
Mike: Skeen.

2) Bob: Haha look at you! Your such a wasteman!
Mike: Skeen
by Loser Boozer November 10, 2007
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It is anonther way of kissing your teeth. So if someone cussed you, you may reply skeen!
by Tu4x July 28, 2011
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It means like ok den
1) Jada:DatGirlSedYOurUgly

Jaden: Skeen

by MEeeBiatchh April 17, 2009
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