A popular internet term used by YouTube channels and incels alike, a Sigma male refers to a quiet and mysterious gentleman who doesn't have to take initiative with women because he is approached by women. This term is abused by content creators to make less attractive men feel like gold as a means to get views and money.
"If you are an introverted male who doesn't approach women, you may be a Sigma Male."
by JP the ENFP June 15, 2022
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An elaborate, long-term, 4D chess game to make a Ligma joke on a national scale.
At a Sigma Male convention:

"What are we?"
"Sigma balls"
by Gargalon March 8, 2021
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Someone whose entire personality and self esteem revolves around calling themselves a sigma male. Generally, said individuals do not have many real friends, yet believe themselves to be popular. Often they compare themselves to wolves, as they use terminology used to describe wolfpack hierarchy. No one tell them that sigma is lower than beta in the greek alphabet, or the beta male in a pack was the second most badass wolf as this will fry their cashew-sized brains.
Chris: “I’m a sigma male you beta!”
Normal person: “bro no one cares about your wolf pack bullshit.”
by The Bean Merchant December 31, 2022
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One of the latest additions to the pantheon of incel coping mechanisms, Sigma Male is a fictional personality type in which a man is indifferent or apathetic toward women and society. In this incel fan fiction, the "Sigma Male" gives off an outward appearance of introversion and is often mistaken as a Beta Male, but is in fact a strong-minded Alpha Male who is too focused on self-improvement and skill development (commonly referred to as "the grind") to waste any time on women, society, or anything else incels deem as being unworthy. Much like a fedora and trenchcoat, thinking of himself as a Sigma Male is a form of self-soothing and reframes the incel's negative traits as positive ones and so validates the incel's perspectives and mindset in life.

See also: Sour Grapes
Person 1: "Hey man, when are you going to come to terms with the fact that women don't want to have sex with you because you're creepy and you spend all your time masturbating normal, well-adjusted adult men out of sheer envy?"

Person 2: (laughing) "You don't understand. I'm a Sigma Male. I don't want to waste my time chasing after thots or the pathetic approval of society. I'm not a mindless zombie like you."

Person 1: "Dude.. Last week you literally spent 8 hours a day on forums whining that women find edgelords like you gross. Women and society are obviously just sour grapes for you."
by Aurumai November 25, 2021
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A Sigma Male is a physically and mentally stable person, who has no intentions of romance, can dominate enemies easily with his surpsingly high testosterone levels. Sigma Males are known for being anti-simps and make their own rules.
Girl: Would you kill me for $1,000,000?
Sigma Male: I would do it for free.
by Just a Joetard November 10, 2021
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A male who disregards women and social connections for money and success. A term used by incels who think they’re like Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, Patrick Bateman, Etc. but actually just day trade in their parents basement.
Person 1: Eugene keeps on referring to himself as a sigma male when we ask if he’s ever going to go on a date.
Person 2: He just needs to admit he’s an incel and get on with life.
by rossi_cultist January 15, 2023
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