Bus transport: A (usually highly expereinced) driver who stands by at the depot to cover runs when the allocated driver or bus is sick, or an extra bus is needed for other reasons.
When not being scattered (the verb of covering a run) the scatter may complete other task such as orgainising, refueling or cleaning buses in the yard, answering the telephone or basic but important paperwork.
The school got their passenger numbers wrong again. Name, I need you to scatter to school name} stat.
by Busnut September 29, 2020
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Where a group of people throw objects at cars to try and get chased.
Person 1) lets get some scatters

Person 2) ok
by 01429 April 1, 2017
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Someone of a messy disposition, for example they could be lanky, have messy hair, or just generally be disorganised.
Oh look at Christine, she's such a scatter!
by Al October 13, 2004
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Man, that chick is so scattered her vagina is the size of a large cheese pizza.
by dgfdgdg July 18, 2011
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1)someone that shits on you during anal sex
2)a dog (or human) that eats thier own (or others) shit
1)dont mess with her she's a scatter
past tense: someone scattered me the other night
by fulltilt monkey August 14, 2007
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The sound you hear before you die by the hands of a Hanzo player.
Hanzo scatter arrow, players worst nightmare.
by ExiledChaos January 7, 2017
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Scattered is another word for a junky, drug taker, ferral looking thing
Gee Shes a fucking scattered cunt
by 69bra March 8, 2018
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