a cat's anus (resembles a sausage cut in two?)
he's licking his sawn off sausage
by sawnoffsausage February 2, 2011
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A person who, through every fault of their own, pisses you off immensly through all of their physical and personal shortcomings.
someone runs into you in the street
"Watch where you are goin you sawn off McFuck!!"
by Courtney Act January 20, 2004
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It’s basically a game where everyone hits the teachers pet
Teachers pet- can u give us homework
Everyone-Have you sawn a phosphorous
by Popo water bottle June 1, 2023
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A guy with a really small dick, where it looks like it’s been dawn in half, therefore more powerful when firing sperm, as if from a sawn off shotgun.
Jane: Hey, that’s a bit small, does it even work?”
Dumpa: You’ve never had the sawn off shot cock before have you?”
by TrueMeaningWM May 15, 2020
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Sawed in half by 2 guys, usually hanging with the head down and feet up.
Leroy thought the guy might want to have him sawn asunder, but the guy really just wanted to jigsaw Leroy's head a little bit.
by Solid Mantis August 14, 2019
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