Saige is the prettiest girl ever, she is a great friend and will always be there for you. All the guys love her! She has the prettiest eyes ever. Her hair is usually long and blonde.

Everyone loves her and her friends! Her skin is really tan.
Wow; did you see that girll saige?
by xxihateyouxx April 2, 2011
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Someone who laughs at their jokes but doesn't know that they aren't funny
Often at times gets called a chicken, either from being skinny or not wanting to kiss a boy at a dance

That girl must be a Saige!!
See that saige; she didn't want to kiss a boy at a school dance
by OLD PUSSY K July 12, 2015
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An amazing basketball player, shorter brown eyed and light brown hair girl. Usually the leader of her group, flawlessly beautiful.
Boy 1) DUDE! Holy shit who's that?????
Boy 2) That's Saige, she's amazing.😍
by Ballergirl1103 February 9, 2016
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She has pretty brown hair. She is the most beautiful girl on earth. She has Brown eyes. She is one of the best people in the universe!
Saige is such a good girlfriend

She is so perfect! OMG!
by Coopergdc10 March 23, 2019
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A bueatiful crazy girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She is a sports star and good at anything you put in front or her. She is tall and knows a lot. All the guys want her.
I went out with saige last night.........BEST NIGHT EVER!
by Boo!#34 May 10, 2012
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she is super duper fun and loves people. She loves every living thing in the world and is super gay but isn't!!!!! Saige is someone you will never forget. She will melt your heart and has the best laugh.She can be bossy but always can turn your smile right side up:)
saige is beautful
by caLScvdwqidvj vjl November 8, 2018
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Saige is absolutely amazing, her smile can light up and entire room the second she walks in. She’s definitely the best volleyball and way smarter than she would ever admit, she’s so modest and by far the easiest person to talk to on the planet, she is blonde and adorable and impossible not to love. She loves her boyfriend but can’t sit still around him she always needs to be doing something. She’s amazing and once you find your Saige never let go.
Did you see Saige!!! She’s so funny, how could you not love her
by Bibbity Bobbity February 29, 2020
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