a) A euphemistic way for calling someone a retard.
b) One who is severely retarded.
Did you hear about my roommate? He thinks letting a pizza sit means leaving it in the oven for longer. Man, that guy is such a rhubarb.
by diebearenjuden September 26, 2010
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adjective. Melancholic frustration or sadness associated with the apparent helplessness and inescapability of repetitive or redundant tasks.
"Man, I've been feeling pretty rhubarb about school lately."

"Did you hear Bill got a new job as the guy who puts erasers on pencils?" "Yeah, I hear he's been pretty rhubarb about the whole thing."
by smileyface April 10, 2008
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Word for stupid, weird and annoying people.

Can also be used because some part of the rhubarb plant is good but parts of it are poisonous just like people.
"Zachary is such a rhubarb i can't handle him."

"Thought she was nice, well another rhubarb in the world."
by 1wn3n4 December 14, 2017
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(verb) To solicit conversation with another man while standing at a urinal, on any pretext, not necessarily sexual. For instance, friendly banter in a public house toilet or 'talking shop' in workplace bathroom. Usually an unwanted intrusion while passing water.
"Hey Dave, do you need extra time on that Kenton report?"
"Yeah, I discussed it with Marty - I just Rhubarbed him in the bathroom. His wife is a lucky woman"
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A rhubarb is what you get when you go to a massage parlor that gives happy endings. The rhubarb part is the sexual part, the handjob after the massage.
Dude, I went to the Chinese place and got a rhubarb, it was off the hook. Really? I like going to the Russians for a good rhubarb.
by Joe L January 12, 2004
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A word golfers invented to describe the long grasses or other types of plant growth they shoot their ball into.
Fuck Dave! I my drive went into the fucking rhubarb!

Looks like im gonna need my wedge. I'm in that rhubarb over there.
by DeezNutz May 9, 2004
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She cheated on you?? That's fucking rhubarb!
by julie March 5, 2004
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