alternate spelling of "rock", which is to say that something rocks.
"didja go to that show last weekend?"
"yeah, it f***'in rawked!"
by nate January 19, 2005
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When referring to a music genre, a modernized version of its classic form "rock."
Whereas "rock" holds a classic connotation (eg: The Stooges, Led Zeppelin), "rawk" is reserved for later bands of a similar but expanded-modern style (eg: Rye Coalition, At the Drive-In).
by muerte August 19, 2004
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The 1337 4zn h4x0r way to spell "rock" simply meaning
1)to best some one in any kind of compeition, usualy Counter-Strike
2) an indication of skill
3) a adverb adding a posative conotation to any verb or noun (usually following teh)
1) i rawked j00 f00l!
2) d00d! i rawk at Derivative calculus
3) this map is tehrawk!
kyle kimbel's sister is teh rawk when she's on her knees
by james acton March 4, 2005
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The way that people from Boston say "rock"
Boston person: "Hay, we should go to thaa rawk concert!
by BEASTEN January 15, 2015
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rawk - a combination of "really" and "awkward"
That encounter with my ex girlfriend was rawk!
by cbt February 17, 2005
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"You Rawk!" (You rock, but I think you're as queer as Rob Halford)

"band name totally Rawked"
(band name put on a great show, but looked or acted totally faggy)

"Rawk Me!" (gay come-on at rock shows)
"I rawk!" (declaration by a person in a rock band that he is a homo)

by EvilTwins December 16, 2008
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